I was thinking about magnets the recent days. Here I found out, so It think, the question why this goes is not to solve and not interesting at the end. Magnets, after they are stones can not normally have a motion in any way contained. The stones are solid.


After one says diamonds are from wood from the very beginning and do running trough stadiums as lignite and coal, rocks also, after all I can imagine, must do so. As beginning with the liquid state than slate, magnets, uranium. As a sample only of course.


Therefore I thought, the surface of it could be made responsible for the reaction two magnets would have. The attraction or the repelling (is this the right word?), I mean.


Because an inner reason for this behavior was not to see, and could not being valid, the reaction or action could come from a interaction the surface of this specific magnetic stones and the steady moving atmosphere do have.


An idea was the surface of the magnet is so fine grinded during the natural process of the originating it would always set off a vortex when the contact to the atmosphere was..


When you now but would wrap magnets vacuum tight in plastic polythene sheet, the effect will remain, I think. A bit weaker but remaining, basically. This than was to get as that the interaction of a surface that has been originated over million of years could not even at least not be the only reason for the attracting and repelling magnets. 


Now one could here assume a pervading team play which would set the magnet in a motion that.....


But weren't there equations the were not solvable? And than the duration in which the stones were formed is longer than it is imaginable to recap what has happened. So no one today really knows and never will the real course stones, here magnetic stones, sticking together, They simply could falling apart, but they don't. They are realized as a material that is seen as a source for specific crafts.






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Steffen Schenk

Rhythm University
