This morning I felt it is time to express some thoughts meaning the justice. As long as in courtrooms people who are not guilty being pledged guilty, and facing a death penalty which is, if executed, not to rescind there



a. goes something wrong in courtrooms, and


b. trust in governments can not be granted cause governments, at the end, wouldn't deserve that trust anyway.



So what looks the solution like. As a solution only can come in question, not to speak right, (for the reason in the U.S. are no ministers on duty I avoid  the phrase 'to administer justice' at this point, willingly), as it is thought maybe, but to avoid even this failures of the justice sending accused people to death.


The court, as I think, need to have. to be sure the accused is being guilty, five main fact's.



 the victim


 the accused


 the witness


 the evidence


 the plea of guilty, of the accused self.


This all need to come together, live, into the courtroom. So, at the end it is not about to pledge people guilty, but to make sure no one who was not guilty to pledge guilty. If this was implemented ever is to put in question, but, it's worth much to get ourselves to be on that way, as a society, as I think. Yours truly. 



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Steffen Schenk

Rhythm University
