I'll leave the first EGF draft as it is and put some newer thoughts here, on a new one. It's hard to go trough it for some reason and I'm also trying to avoid getting attendance, yet, but, with the executive cases full of money missing. Might be I have to sell my firm to Bill Gates also, as Homer Simpson did already.


The art, generating electricity, let me start new here, should be very simple, in fact. 


This drawing I made does show the way I think it goes.


On top there is an arrow indicating the direction which the electric current does flow to. 


One level below, going thru the 'field' labeled area, are two lines. These lines go thru and are being connected. The right one is not as thick as the left one. The thinner one on the right ought to be symbolizing the energising current, the thicker black one on the left, leaving the field, the amplified current.


The last part, the laser. The upright standing black line out of the box at the bottom labeled 'laser' is a bit to short. It shall be reaching the upper right black line symbolising the energising current. This has nothing to say I mean, I just didn't see it's too short when I was making the drawing.


What I think will be happening was. 


When the electric current was set to a value of pi and also the laser this two values pi should make mass as single particles available in the yet flowing current where the values, if you want, are being set forth in the middle of the masses than, as the originating of the 0 - room. I, recently, have recognized that this room is visible if one can say so? if the triplet was doubled to six strokes or doubled again to twelve. Six will swing, twelve vibrate. In both cases there is not a center anymore in the figures. Interestingly, an approach having one mass in mind only will not work cause if the O - room arises it will always taking place and space in the almost middle of the mass, and so, it will not be visible as it happens. Figuring two masses will allow the arising on the surface also and so it could be visible... but let's get back to the EGF. 


Depending now on how long this laser impact is, the volume of the O - room will get as big as wanted. Therefore the yet flowing electric current will not provide enough space for the extended volume of the arisen particles and 0-rooms within them, single particles will burst out of the stream and as I think making the field visible. 


The mass as particles seen as for their physical characteristics, making this a possibility, would not have necessarily to loose their entire contact to the stream as I think. As they were still linked to it this would work as well (think of patterns of letters sprayed on and often seen on bags ). One can read what's standing there, though the letters looking odd. 



If it not works one could additionally interrupt the current for a time Pi. 


Through a pulse of the whole array the arising field can collapse shortly and be build up again similar to a movie where you saw single images as a whole. The distances of that particles but will be so short they do form this common field that will move any mass contained towards the electric stream. This distances but should big enough allowing fresh air to flow into the reach of the next field and there was surface again to be used as to boost the energising current. 


The left line is probably yet too thin. The output, as you can imagine of course, will be enormous.


Also, if you wanted  using this different, the field will move any tiny material towards it's origin, to the bottom, as you can stretch the field and span it to room size, and move into it, it will pull you down resp., keeping anything where it is an not to interfere medical processes for example. This will be the way making artificial gravity real, as I think


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Steffen Schenk

Rhythm University
