You not have, with the missing option of rhythm (the impression of there is rhythm does not come with any hits itself but with the possibility to display the variation of hand sets and doing so), the beaters are not there, it wanted putting these to volumes, any of them, opposite.

Into these devices flows an electric current, which has not, even psychologically, a chance being redisplayed in an moment. The arising of the sound is at random.

The psychological aspect is the one simply that you knowing the way the tone is heard. Excited with the hit of the beater. Here it was even not important when the tone is heard by the player or an other third person but when it is arisen. This than is expressed trough the notes which here symbolizing the moments of the hits. It's a very nice sample how narrowly this is working together. 

All, or after my knowledge, lots of any kinds of horns for example, are not music instruments. Not instruments at all. Church organs are not. Flutes not and many others. 

Singers, I almost forgot are not musicians. They with their voice can not create the opposite volumes, making tone and sound. You could not differ between other tones if there was not a sound for when you hearing tones.

Music even does not have any laws in it you could follow. It only displays relation between tones. The task of music was to enable musicians playing any key in the moments they can. To have a way writing it down, linked to rhythm of course. 

The black key alone, I will put it here, is two tones in one pitch. So these two tones, they are even there if the key was played only, course the other left and right white keys remaining on the instrument although they aren't played, are recognized as changing the sound of the tone. It's music. Try a different coming out of the thinking process, you will be astonished what's possible.    
back to part one....


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Steffen Schenk

Rhythm University
