The intermixture process or a running together of fluids, as I have described as undergone in the Explanation article, is not a process that sciences would be able to study.  

This process itself does not be part of any science as it really is. A good sample here are colors. The mingle of colors is so as medley not really to describe.. You always, if you wanted to know something, had to stop the film or taking an image to define, from were to were which color is which.

So, normally, You and others participating in the research had to come together and to define, this is white. 

From here on the is bright yellow. This here, from here, until here is yellow, this was dark yellow. Than from here on orange....... and so on.


This is even a way telling others about special situations. You had to have kind of a even on which are one after another several point. This several points will mark here the situations. You could even see the even as one cohering situation which has specific moments, the points as marks on it. Describing others what has happened it will not be enough to stay on the even, moving back and forth between, and on the points. This points needed having spatial colleagues. That means, the even seen as to be situated into Coordinate charts as x or y axis had others within the chart. On the other even would be point even that can be linked to the point's of the first even, true an another even. So the added spatial point will making the situation or the moment s clearer to the listener or others involved. When you had many, man point added you will get a picture. In ship building when the skeleton, the hull is finished, it's pretty clear what it will be when completed.  




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Steffen Schenk

Rhythm University
