- Initiative free decision

The state making laws has gone to far in some cases that are effecting me and that I'm involved in. One is the law everyone has to wear a seat belt driving a car in many states.


Wearing a seat belt is not making the driver safer. It will, furthermore, in some situations cut the range the driver is able to move in. As a sample have cab drivers not to wear seat belts here to be able to help passengers in the case of an emergency.

State officials can secondly not be allowed to check people for the adherence of such kind of laws. As evidence just for the buckling up would be a video tape. But could you film someone whose misdoing just was to drive a car. I say NO. 

Where plus will be the end of this. Do we need laws advising iron grids in front of our windows not to fall out or the sofa placed on a specific spot into the room not to stumble over carrying a plate with hot coffee pots onto. 
This is a decision which only can be made by the persons owning the property. These are private spaces on which none laws can have a reach to. So the safety of all of us is more secure.


The same is with helmets on motorcycles. If you really want to hit a tree so hard you will die it absolutely has to be legal, has to be within the law.


Today there is an interesting video on video.msn.com. Please do a search for "Buckling Down".






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Steffen Schenk

Rhythm University
