
You always, to be able to think about things have to be able to make sure this terms, you thinking about, are existing in fact. Otherwise you or others wouldn't have been able to give names to thing's or issues, you're thinking about. So, these terms weren't existing.


You could not get into a thinking process but would pretend to do so, pretending being thinking. Things that are without mass, for moments also, could not be part of science, not being part of any considerations. They will not exist. Here today it might be in question if you are not thinking or if this is not a process in which you are. 


This existence needs to be in two ways at the begin. One, the earlier, existence as oscillation, needs to be seen at. It's before the real begin, at least you have to imagine it is, otherwise there was none next start, which but is indeed.

These oscillations observed on an oscillograph do not have to be the real shape this motion can have, linked to the coming into being of them. They needed to be, in nature or culture, spatial. I really think of them being that way, at least.


The basic, second possibility to be is mass as particle(s). Here the question is if  partials are just particles if they were set together from other, different masses or if just one mass is a practical too? Science now  was not come so far, today. The main interest if this shape of existence is important is, if these are in the reach of a gravity of a planet. If they can't get out of the path the planet is on.


The first one the swings would have no weight into the gravity. 

A changing of their position's, needed always to be measurable, linked to their existence. Particles themselves could not side step the coming closer earth. They have a weight. If the swings would move the direction the earth comes from, this was accidentally. They are made from mass but have no weight that is measurable. Would they want weight they had to brake, making mass as mass existent and so could drop. 


I do not know if I have the sample with the ball at the beach. The ball falls as long as it hit the sand. Their you hear and see the offset. The ball did now not fall but couldn't side step the earth. The offset tells you about the motion of the planet which can not be two dimensional, only. Assumed is here the ball fell itself and was not thrown in some way.     


Here one application that is thinkable is to cover the weight of a single entirety, a airplane or kind of any other flying device by those swing, that would simulate the being of the altitude in which the device should being kept, and so holding it there. 


Is this the way the lifter flies?


The application, should be understood as having "flying carpets" made from electricity, so not visible, in four layers, underneath. 


They should even out the four dimensional? motion of the earth. 


If the flyer climbs higher and is reaching space this kind of propulsion can be switched off, anyway.


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Steffen Schenk

Rhythm University
